
Enhance your visibility online with a link-building strategy

Why a netlinking strategy?

Improve your position
Boost your site's authority and optimise its ranking in search results with strategic netlinking.
Increase your traffic
Generate qualified traffic by obtaining inbound links from partner sites or relevant influencers.
Reinforce credibility
Get backlinks from reputable sites to increase user and search engine confidence in your site.
Boost your visibility
Maintain a presence on targeted platforms to attract new prospects and expand your potential audience.

The key stages

#1 Competitor analysis

We identify your competitors' sources of backlinks to spot opportunities for relevant links and boost your positioning.

#2 Creating quality content

We develop articles, studies or infographics that encourage other sites to quote you.

#3 Looking for partnerships

We negotiate with authority sites and trusted publishers to obtain quality backlinks and optimise your visibility.

#4 Follow-up and optimisation

We constantly monitor the backlinks we obtain to ensure that they remain active and comply with Google's SEO guidelines.

#5 Diversification of links

We take care to obtain a variety of backlinks (blogs, media, specialist directories) to maximise the impact of your netlinking while reducing the risk of penalties.

What is netlinking?

Link building, or netlinking, is an SEO strategy aimed at acquiring incoming links (backlinks) to your site from other websites. These links enhance your site’s credibility in the eyes of search engines, boosting your ranking in the results. The more reliable the linking sites are, the better your SEO performance. Link building helps to strengthen your site’s visibility, authority, and traffic.

What can a netlinking campaign achieve?

Link building is a crucial strategy for improving your website’s visibility and authority. It will allow you to:

  • Achieve a better ranking on Google: Quality backlinks push your site to the top of search results. The more reliable links you have, the better your site is positioned.
  • Attract more traffic: Each link to your site is an opportunity to draw in new, qualified visitors, which can quickly increase your audience.
  • Enhance your credibility: Recommendations from influential sites bolster trust, both from users and Google.
  • Improve your site’s authority: By accumulating backlinks, you boost your domain authority, a key factor for long-term SEO success.

When should you implement a netlinking strategy?

A link building strategy is crucial at several key moments to boost your SEO:

  • After creating or redesigning your site: Strengthen its credibility with quality backlinks.
  • If your site struggles to reach the first pages: Improve its authority to climb in the results.
  • When launching a new product/service: Generate traffic and create buzz quickly.
  • During a growth phase: Attract more qualified prospects and solidify your position against competitors.

Étude de cas

A few words about our SEO agency

Boosting websites to the top of search results : that’s Elocos’s mission. Based in Brussels, our agency offers tailor-made SEO strategies, tailored to the business needs of our clients, and always more innovative. We carefully craft each line of code, every keyword, and each backlink to maximize your online visibility.

Frequently asked questions

A few questions and answers

There is no precise number. The quality of backlinks is far more important than the quantity. Having a few links from authoritative sites will have a much more positive impact than a hundred links from unreliable sites.

With a well-executed netlinking strategy, you can expect a significant improvement in your Google ranking, an increase in your organic traffic and greater visibility in your field of activity.

Yes, before implementing any netlinking strategy, we carry out a full audit of your site to identify opportunities and areas for improvement. This enables us to develop a tailor-made strategy to suit your needs.

Yes, we provide detailed reports on backlinks acquired, their quality and their impact on your SEO. These reports allow you to track the evolution of your positioning and measure the concrete results of our strategy.