SEO Agency in Brussels

Boost your website to the top
of search results

Our Mission

We unlock the full potential
of your organic traffic

Maximise your visibility,
attract your target audiences
and boost your traffic.

Technical optimization, content creation, on-site and off-site SEO strategy, link building…

We put all our expertise into a passion that drives us: to ensure that your site harnesses all the organic traffic it can generate. And more.

Elocos, l'agence SEO qui propulse au sommet des résultats de recherche



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Our SEO Services

Complete SEO services,
aligned with your business goals

SEO audit

Maximise your organic traffic with a complete technical and semantic analysis of your site.

Local SEO

Boost your visibility and online presence with customers close to you.

Content marketing

Attract, engage and convert your visitors with optimised, captivating content.


Reinforce the authority of your brand and your website with quality external links.

International SEO

Develop your business worldwide with an SEO strategy tailored to international markets.

SEO Training

Master all the SEO techniques and train your teams to optimise your SEO day after day.

Notre approche SEO

Une stratégie ciblée et efficace pour votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche


Optimisation technique de votre site pour un bon référencement


Contenus de qualité ciblant les besoins de vos clients idéaux


Accroissement de votre notoriété via des liens entrants pertinents

Who are we?

Meet the Elocos team

If the word ‘passion’ wasn’t so overused, we could have used it to describe our relationship with SEO. Instead, we call it an obsession – at Elocos, our team lives and breathes algorithms, trends and, above all, skyrocketing performance graphs.

Based in Brussels, we have a single goal in mind: to propel our clients’ sites to the top of the search engines, and to see their organic traffic soar thanks to tailor-made, ever more advanced strategies.

Make an appointment

Let's talk about your ambitions


What our customers say about us


Derniers articles

Our SEO tools

The expertise with the best SEO tools
at your service


Frequently asked SEO questions

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is defined as all the strategies (technical optimisation, content creation, netlinking, etc.) designed to improve the visibility of a website in search engine results. It is crucial for attracting qualified traffic, increasing your online visibility and generating more leads or sales.

If SEO is often described as one of the marketing techniques with the best return on investment, it’s also because it’s a long-term process. Generally, the first results are visible after 3 to 6 months, but significant improvements can take 6 to 12 months, depending on the competition and the initial state of the optimised site.

Our working method is both structured and flexible: we start with an in-depth analysis of your situation and your needs, followed by a discussion to define your objectives. We then develop a personalised SEO strategy that we refine with your feedback. Implementation is accompanied by regular monitoring and ongoing adjustments to ensure constant alignment with your business objectives and the evolution of your market.

Obviously, any self-respecting Brussels SEO agency should include this question in its FAQ. But the answer is no less relevant: choosing a Brussels SEO agency like Elocos means opting for local expertise coupled with a global vision. You benefit from an in-depth understanding of the Belgian market, as well as knowledge of local trends and search behaviours specific to the flat country, while at the same time benefiting from extensive expertise, on the lookout for international trends and markets.

Of course we do! Although we are based in Brussels, we work with clients throughout Belgium and internationally. Our SEO expertise can be adapted to different markets and languages.

Each SEO project is unique, and every business has its own specific needs – that’s why our rates vary depending on the services requested, their duration, the required follow-up… To get a personalized quote that fits your goals and budget, feel free to contact us!